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star1The Sitcom Experience  – Legends Comedy Dinner Show

The Sitcom Experience ‘Live’.  Presented by Laughlines® Comedy Entertainment

Laughlines Comedy Dinner Shows


The Laughlines cast perform the ‘Sitcom Experience’, a live situation comedy dining experience which unfolds in real present time. A hilarious evening of pure theatrical improvisational comedy and caricature.

Laughlines delivers highly acclaimed actors who have a specific skill set which enables them to listen, respond and interact with the audience in a live fully inclusive immersive dining experience.

‘The Sitcom Experience’ is an original parody work based only on fictional characters.

Laughlines’ Ranked in the top ten guide to the best theme breaks in the UK!

The Laughlines actors superb!
Daily Echo

This show promises a perfect night of interactive comedy as well as a great meal, one of the most enjoyable dining experiences you will ever have!


Audience  Reviews

Seen the show  –  Add your review here for Rene & Edith.


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This show promises a perfect night of interactive comedy as well as a great meal, one of the most enjoyable dining experiences you will ever have!

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