The Sitcom Experience – Legends Comedy Dinner Show
The Sitcom Experience ‘Live’. Presented by Laughlines® Comedy Entertainment
The Laughlines cast perform the ‘Sitcom Experience’, a live situation comedy dining experience which unfolds in real present time. A hilarious evening of pure theatrical improvisational comedy and caricature.
Laughlines delivers highly acclaimed actors who have a specific skill set which enables them to listen, respond and interact with the audience in a live fully inclusive immersive dining experience.
‘The Sitcom Experience’ is an original parody work based only on fictional characters.
This show promises a perfect night of interactive comedy as well as a great meal, one of the most enjoyable dining experiences you will ever have!
Audience Reviews
Seen the show – Add your review here for Rene & Edith.
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This show promises a perfect night of interactive comedy as well as a great meal, one of the most enjoyable dining experiences you will ever have!